[Agriculture and Horticulture ] Developing resources for Ag and Horticulture teachers

Susanna Greig susanna.greig at une.edu.au
Tue Feb 21 15:56:16 EST 2006

Dear All,


After investigating the Victorian Agriculture and Horticulture Studies VCE
Study Design, I am interested to develop a resource teachers use to provide
opportunities for developing student knowledge and skills related to weeds
in Unit 3. For this reason, I am emailing now to collect feedback from
teachers using this study design. 


Currently I have considered some ideas which could be included in this
resource development.

1.	A summary of different strategies to manage weeds. This would
provide background knowledge students use to evaluate the most appropriate
technique to manage weeds found in a studied agricultural/horticultural
2.	A strategy with guidelines for assessing the presence and
significant effects weeds have on ag/hort businesses.
3.	Case studies outlining successful weed management approaches in
specific ag/hort businesses.
4.	Fact Files (or information sheets) describing the current
technologies used to prevent or manage weed infestations.


Please be advised the final resource developed may include part of, or may
be different to these ideas.


To support this resource development, I ask if you could please contact me
with your thoughts regarding these suggestions. If you have alternative
suggestions not described above please explain what you would like to see


Please be advised plans will be developed from the feedback I collect before
the 6th of March.


I understand many teachers may already be currently teaching this unit. This
is helpful as it is the perfect time to determine the most suitable resource
that you would find useful in your future teaching.


To avoid cluttering this email group, unless your suggestion requires
discussion, please email directly to: susanna.greig at une.edu.au 



Kind Regards,

Susanna Greig

Educational Officer

CRC for Australian Weed Management

School of Rural Science and Agriculture

Agronomy and Soil Science building

University of New England

Armidale 2351


ph: 02 67 732809

fax: 02 67 733238

email:  <mailto:susanna.greig at une.edu.au> susanna.greig at une.edu.au


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