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-Multiple Choices Algorithm - by Mark Kelly+How to Find a Landscaper for Your HOA
-Another in the Fun with Algorithms series +[[http://​|flower and weed control atlanta 
- +  
-Stuff Pty Ltd sells stuffThe unit cost of the stuff varies according to the quantity orderedCustomers can order any number ​of items Stuff Pty Ltd use this scale: +Home Owner’s Associations feature a very important role in the development of communitiesThey have great responsibilities including managing the assets ​of the community, and assigning ​the right people for major roles in the associationOne of the responsibilities of the HOA is community development that involves landscaping. Here are some tips to help you hire a good landscaper for your HOA
-1-9 items = $100 each +  
-10-19 items = $97 each +Look for an all-rounder 
-20-29 items = $92 each +  
-30-39 items = $88 each +Certain landscape firms have contractors and professionals who handle everything associated with landscaping your community. This involves landscapergardeners, irrigation crew, and water companies ​to contribute towards ​the entire process ​of landscapingHire company that undertakes ​all of these tasksIt would be cost-effective, and will save you a lot of time wasted in worrying about different contractors
-40-49 items = $85 each +  
-50 or more = $82 each +Good reviews often come from successes 
- +  
-Task: using pseudocodecreate an algorithm ​to calculate ​the unit cost of the items at different quantitiesThen calculate ​total cost with 10% GST added. ​  +Check the internet for reviews of different landscape firmsYou can also contact your neighboring communities to inquire about other landscapersIt is likely that you will come across a list of landscapers who have been given great reviews for their workVisit other communities to gain a perspective about their work, and draw up a list of potential landscape firms you would like to hire
-Convert the pseudocode into code. +  
-Create test data to fully test all aspects ​of the solution’s functionality. +First meeting reveals a lot of information 
-Note:  Input data need not be validated, and the interface can be very basic+  
-  +When you meet with people from different landscaping companies, be alert as you request for more information about their servicesEvaluate their responses and analyze if they respond well to youMake a mental note of how responsive they are when you contact them, as that would tell you if they communicate matters to you well in timeCheck if they are well-adapted to technology so that they can stay in touch with the HOA through emails, and social media to post updates about their work
-Sample VB2010 solution +  
-Public Class Form1 +If you find contractor that satisfies the needs of the community ​and the HOA, with skills ​and service, then hire immediatelyIt is alright if a few people are not happy about it. Make a judgment based on the majority poll at the HOAand stick to it as you can derive good results from a great landscape contractor.
-    '​ Multiple options algorithm +
-    ' by M.Kelly 10 May 2011 +
-    ' Version 1.+
-    ' To Do Next: nil +
- +
-    Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.ObjectByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click +
-        Dim Qty As Integer = CInt(txtQty.Text) +
-        Dim inctax As Single = 0  '​declare ​and initialise in one hit +
-        ' deliberately lacks validation ​of qty +
-        Select Case Qty +
-            Case 1 To 9 +
-                lblCostper.Text = 100 +
-            Case 10 To 19 +
-                ​lblCostper.Text = 97 +
-            Case 20 To 29 +
-                ​lblCostper.Text = 92 +
-            Case 30 To 39 +
-                lblCostper.Text = 88 +
-            Case 40 To 49 +
-                lblCostper.Text = 85 +
-            Case Else +
-                lblCostper.Text = 82 +
-        End Select +
- +
-        lblSubtotal.Text = Qty * CInt(lblCostper.Text) ​ 'using labels for output +
- +
-        '​inctax is here as sample use of variables for calculations ​and  +
-        'using labels just for display purposes. +
-        'Using variables mean less converting back & forth between text and number. +
- +
-        inctax = CInt(lblSubtotal.Text) * 1.1           '​add GST   +
-        'The final total is nicely formatted currency just to show how it's done. +
-        'Nice formatting is not needed in U3O2. +
-        lblIncTax.Text = Format(inctax"​$#,####​.#​0"​) +
-    End Sub +
- +
-     +
-    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,​ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click +
-        End +
-    End Sub +
- +
-End Class +
- +
-  +
- +
-Sample output +
-Perhaps more decorative that it needs to be for U3O2, but I can’t abide messy interfaces.+