<br clear="all">I've been putting off writing this outcome for a while because finding suitable data and a reasonable case study have been driving me crazy.<br><br>Hence the topic of the data - Australian psychiatric figures. Having no idea of what format to use to frame the task, I made it a fictional scene with real data. Your approach may differ.<br>
<br>The data comes from <a href="http://mhsa.aihw.gov.au/home">http://mhsa.aihw.gov.au/home</a> but I've already lost the exact location of the link. I did make significant chops to the data to get its size under control while leaving enough data for the kids to generate their info (and a little irrelevant data for them to sift out.)<br>
<br>If you are making your own outcome, be sure to read p.19 of the study design about what is required - particularly the need to provide the data and info about what the analysis has turned up (e.g. constraints, what info the students need to produce.) <br>
<br>Also check the key knowledge and key skills (p.20) so you include
things like design, testing, and explaining why the solution is suitable
for its needs. I didn't include validation because no new data entry is
required for the solution.<br><br>P.19 also says that information is to be "displayed onscreen" which might make assessment harder (or easier?) for you. <br>If you need kids to print their work, they'd need access to a colour printer to get the full informational juiciness from their output.<br>
<br>I decided to get kids to create their report in Word and embed (link) their charts from Excel into the Word document. It's just a neater way to package their output, I think. I'll assess it onscreen, in colour.<br>
<br> I have yet to decide exactly how long I'll give the kids - maybe 90-120
minutes will do. I'll go with the flow, since this is the first time
I've run this. I've also yet to craft a marking scheme. Maybe next week.<br>
<br>Attached is the case study, the data and a tute on embedding Excel charts in Word (2007).<br><br>Suggestions and creative criticism are welcome, as usual.<br><br>Cheers, and happy long weekend all.<br><br>Now to click SEND and immediately find the glaring omissions and errors in the outcome... <click><br>
<br>--<br><br>Mark Kelly<br>Manager of ICT, Reporting, IT Learning Area<br>McKinnon Secondary College<br>McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia<br>Direct line / Voicemail: +613 8520 9085, Fax +613 9578 9253<br><a href="mailto:kel@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au" target="_blank">kel@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au</a><br>
VCE IT Lecture Notes: <a href="http://vceit.com" target="_blank">http://vceit.com</a><br>Moderator: <a href="http://www.edulists.com.au/" target="_blank">IT Applications Edulist</a><br><br>--<br>Grammar for the 21st century...<br>
Infinitive: I sync my phone.<br>Past tense: I sanc my phone.<br>Past participle: I have sunc my phone.<br><br><br>