[VCE Art] upcoming Professional Learning ( apologies for cross posts)

Peter Wakefield peter at vitta.org.au
Thu Jun 7 15:55:44 EST 2012

Hi Listers


A few  exciting  updates for upcoming  Professional Learning Sessions

Visual Literacy:Adobe Photoshop
2 days  19 , 26 July

3D Modeling and Animation
<http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/3d-modeling-and-animation>     2 Days
23 -24 July

Re-invent your teaching with Challenge Based Learning
-based-learning>   15 August


We at VITTA are pleased to endorse something really  unusual and exciting on
a musical ICT  front from Arts Centre Melbourne;  The Quatsi
>   Experience 

 Don't  forget this year's conference!

The 2012 VITTA Conference: Reign of the Cloud is now open for registrations
<http://www.vitta.org.au/2012conferenceinfo/registrations> .

This year's theme of "Reign of the Cloud" for the VITTA Annual Conference is
all about the "how" and the foreseeable future. Thanks to Federal Government
funding, we now have the technology in the form of one to one devices. The
way that smart phones and other mobile devices are used in society today was
unimaginable ten years ago. We are all at the beginning of a new wave that
now sees the possibility for the use of cloud computing and how we use the
educational opportunities for working in the cloud.

Come and join us on Monday, 6 August and Tuesday, 7 August for a conference
like no other ICT in Education conference in Australia that offers such
depth and variety. 

Check out the Conference Expo - over 60 exhibitors who can assist the
school's decisions in implementing ICT infrastructure and eLearning plans. 

Register now <http://www.vitta.org.au/2012conferenceinfo/registrations> .

Conference overview <http://www.vitta.org.au/documents/item/483> 



Peter Wakefield


Professional Learning Manager


Description: VITTAlogofor email


T: +61 3 9495 6836

F: +61 3 9495 6834

M: +61(0)438805153

E:  <mailto:peter at vitta.org.au> peter at vitta.org.au

W:  <http://www.vitta.org.au/> www.vitta.org.au

Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge St,

Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia

VITTA ~ supporting all educators with ICTs anywhere, any time

2012 VITTA Conference:Reign of the Cloud

 <http://www.vitta.org.au/events/category/training-events> Professional

 <http://www.tomorrowsport.com.au/> Tomorrow Sport


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