<div><strong>VCE IT for New Teachers: ITA & SD (Sorry for the cross posts)</strong></div>
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<div>There are only 5 places remaining for VITTA's VCE IT for New Teachers PD being held tomorrow afternoon. Register online now at <a href="http://www.vitta.org.au/events">www.vitta.org.au/events</a></div>
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<div><strong>Date:</strong> Wednesday 19th March </div>
<p><strong>Venue:</strong> VITTA Office, Suite 209, 134 Cambridge Street, Collingwood</p>
<p><strong>Description:<br></strong>With the Term almost to a close, VITTA invites teachers <strong>new to VCE IT</strong> to the <br>VITTA offices for a round table session with an experienced teacher of VCE IT <br>(ITA and SD). This is an opportunity to work through course challenges, review <br>
and draft SAC's for Term 2, check timelines and course <br>requirements.<br><br><strong>Program:<br></strong>12:30pm - Regsitration & refreshments<br>1:00pm - Roundtable session<br>4:00pm - Close </p>
<p><strong>Bring</strong>:<br>Study design, assessment guide, timelines and SAC's <br>to chat and discuss.</p>
<p><strong>Cost:</strong><br>Individual Member: $ 112.50 <br>School Member: $ 130.00 <br>Non Member: $ 145.00</p></div>
<div>I'd also like to announce a new addition to the program. Caludia Graham has kindly offered her assistance and expertise to the roundtable session. </div>
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<div>If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please do not hesitate to contact the VITTA office on 9495 6836 or at <a href="mailto:pd@vitta.org.au">pd@vitta.org.au</a></div>
<div>______<br>Lisa Chadderton<br>Senior Project Officer</div>
<div>The Victorian IT Teachers Association<br>Ph: (03) 9495 6836<br>Fax: (03) 9495 6834<br>web: <a href="http://www.vitta.org.au">www.vitta.org.au</a> </div>