<html><head><style type='text/css'>body { font-family: 'Verdana'; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000}</style></head><body>Apologies for cross-posting...<br><br>The Victorian IT Teachers' Association would like to hear from potential presenters and those with suggestions for PD...<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Request for presenters</span><br>VITTA encourages teachers to present PD on VITTA's behalf. We'd like to hear from ICT teachers, as well as those from other disciplines who use technology with their students. If you are from remote or regional areas we'd especially like to hear from you as we are keen to offer more PD in these areas. <br><br>VITTA's presenter policy is available online at http://www.vitta.org.au/resources/detail.php?doc_id=3302, or search under 'admin material'. <br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">PD suggestions</span><br>VITTA would also like to hear your suggestions and ideas for PD. What areas, topics or programs would you like more PD on? Would you prefer a early years, primary or secondary focus? Does half day, after school, weekend or school holiday suit better. What town or suburb would you prefer it to be offered in? Please give us as much information as possible so we can better tailor our PD program.<br><br>Please contact me to discuss.<br><br>Regards, Caroline<br><br>-- <br>Caroline Bailey<br>Professional Learning Coordinator (Tue-Wed-Thu)<br>VITTA - Victorian IT Teachers' Association<br>T: +61 3 9495 6836 F: +61 3 9495 6834<br>E: caroline@vitta.org.au W: www.vitta.org.au<br>Suite 202, 134-136 Cambridge St<br>Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia<br><br>UPCOMING PD EVENTS<br>http://www.vitta.org.au/training/<br><br> * Wed 10 Oct - Mildura - VELS & Game Maker<br> <br>--------------------------------<br>VITTA Annual Conference - Nov 19-21 <br>http://www.vitta.org.au/conference/2007<br></body></html>