OK Folks, it's full steam ahead.<br>
The moodle day at Wellington Secondary College details:<br>
Address: 91 Police Road, Mulgrave <br>
MELWAYS: 80 D5<br>
Google maps <a href="http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=en&time=&date=&ttype=&q=91+Police+Rd,+Mulgrave+VIC+3170,+Australia&sll=-37.823345,145.15686&sspn=0.235395,0.466919&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=0,-37.934924,145.169392&ll=-37.929643,145.169392&spn=0.029382,0.058365&z=14&iwloc=addr&om=1">
Enter the school via the first gate as you head away from Springvale Road<br>
The day is planned to start at 10am and finish when ever. We will be able to provide:<br>
<ul><li>Spare computers to install Linux or configure</li><li>Internet to use </li><li>Morning tea and refreshments etc</li><li>Data projector facilities to showcase etc</li></ul>
There are a number of cafes and food bars directly across the road from the school. It should be a good day. <br>
If you are coming could you please let me know by Email or ring me on
0425 782 876 by Friday morning - just so we can adequately plan for the
day. <br>
Phil Brown<br>
<a href="mailto:pdbrown@gmail.com">pdbrown@gmail.com</a>