I'd be interested in responses to the discussion on constructivism and VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards, Victoria's version of social constructivism - similar versions happening in other states) started by Tony Forster and myself at
<a href="https://gamelearning.wikispaces.com/Constructionist-model">https://gamelearning.wikispaces.com/Constructionist-model</a><br><br>Please feel free to join this wiki and add your thoughts. It's a difficult task to try to theorise about learning - your thoughts would be appreciated.
<br><br>In general the wiki is intended to outline a rationale, arguments and evidence in favour for the use of computer games in education. Other pages may be of interest as well.<br><a href="https://gamelearning.wikispaces.com/">
https://gamelearning.wikispaces.com/</a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Bill Kerr<br><a href="http://billkerr.blogspot.com/">http://billkerr.blogspot.com/</a><br><a href="http://beam.to/billkerr">http://beam.to/billkerr</a><br>
skype: billkerr2006