<div><strong>The Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association is pleased to announce that the 2008 VITTA Conference call for papers is now open! <br></strong><br><strong>Shift Happens: Technology alone will not save us <br>
VITTA Annual Conference 2008 <br>Mon 24 - Wed 26 November</strong> <br><br>Does "Shift Happen" in your school? VITTA is currently inviting ICT educators and industry practitioners across the technical and education sectors to submit abstracts for consideration in our 2008 Annual Conference program. Visit <strong><a href="http://www.vitta.org.au/c4p">http://www.vitta.org.au/c4p</a></strong> to sumbit your abstract. <br>
<br><strong>Who can submit? <br></strong> - Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary teachers <br> - Senior IT, VET IT and Multimedia teachers <br> - ICT and Curriculum Leaders <br> - Careers Advisers <br> - ICT industry and Education Partners <br>
- Principals and Leadership teams <br> - School technicians <br> - Anyone who can contribute to ICT in education and transforming teaching and learning <br><br><strong>What types of sessions?</strong> <br> - Practical workshops <br>
- Presentations <br> - Forums or debates</div>
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<div>The 2008 Conference theme is <strong>"Shift Happens: Technology alone will not save us"</strong> and focuses on the frequent shifts that happen in the educational and technological landscape and the need to adapt. <br>
<br>If you have any questions regarding the VITTA Annual Conference, please do not hesitate to contact the VITTA office on +61 3 9495 6836 or at <a href="mailto:conference@vitta.org.au">conference@vitta.org.au</a> <br><br>
Best wishes, <br>VITTA Office <br><strong><a href="http://www.vitta.org.au/c4p">http://www.vitta.org.au/c4p</a> </strong><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>______<br>Lisa Chadderton <br>Senior Project Officer <br>VITTA<br>P: +61 3 9495 6836 <br>
F: +61 3 9495 6834 <br>M: 0402522596 <br>E: <a href="mailto:lisa@vitta.org.au">lisa@vitta.org.au</a> <br>W: <a href="http://www.vitta.org.au">www.vitta.org.au</a> <br>Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge St <br>PO Box 1099 <br>Collingwood VIC 3066 </div>