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<DIV>Yikes! I feel your pain.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>To me, the simple fact of the matter is that technology (and that may
include technicians) <STRONG>must not</STRONG> drive educational outcomes.
It is educational outcomes that must drive technology. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Who better to make educational decisions about how a learning management
system is structured and administered than a teacher. Technicians (and I do have
a very good relationship with ours) are not equipped to make educational
decisions about how educational tools are used. I understand security issues, we
all do, but even these must be balanced against our outcomes.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>If you are the only person interested in developing Moodle then I suggest
you strongly lobby to get admin access. You will need this to mentor other
teachers you will introduce into it. You will also need it check logs of usage,
correct forgotten passwords, and tweak a myriad of other settings. Give me a
call at school if I can help.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Phil Brown</DIV>
<DIV>Oxley College</DIV>
<DIV>9727 9917<BR><BR>>>> Meadows.Roslyn.M@edumail.vic.gov.au 23/6/2005
1:49:46 pm >>><BR></DIV>
<DIV>Phil, I am the only person in the school at the moment who shows any
interest in Moodle, the only person who has set up any courses, and when I can't
change something because I don't have admin access I have to go to see the
library tech who is the admin of the intranet (and therefore moodle). As I said
I did not even have the ability to add courses until on Tuesday I begged to have
that privelege (the minor tantrum helped too!!! lol)<BR><BR>So all I can do at
the moment is set up courses and add resources and activites to them, change my
profile, and post to forums. I have the same 'priveleges' as any other teacher
at the school.<BR><BR>I would dearly LOVE to spend some time working on the
overall presentation of Moodle in the holidays (I am sure you can change the
overall look/theme of the thing - make it school colours/school logo etc) - but
there you have it - that is how it works here. I have mentioned to the current
moodle administrator that perhaps it would be a time saving for me and him if I
was to have admin access but he said no. <BR><BR>As an IT teacher (and the IT
coordinator for 3 years until this year - now we have no IT coordinator because
of a shortage of time allowances in the school) I have never had any priveleges
as far as the network or the intranet or internet site is concerned. But I am
over being angry about this now, I just teach my classes to the best of my
ability and go on my merry way. I would not have even worried about Moodle
except that I can see what a wonderful learning tool it can be and I want to use
it for my own classes.<BR><BR>Oh well perhaps I will mow my lawns in the
holidays instead!!!<BR><BR>Cheers<BR>Ros Meadows<BR>TONS (Teacher Of No
Significance)<BR>Bentleigh SC<BR>9579
ipm-bounces@edulists.com.au on behalf of Philip Brown<BR>Sent: Thu 23/06/2005
11:45 AM<BR>To: ipm@edulists.com.au<BR>Subject: RE: [Year 12 IPM] Re: OT
Kahootz, 7-10 IT and Has VELS got it WRONG?<BR><BR><BR>Hi Ros,<BR><BR>I'm a bit
perplexed. Are you the driver of Moodle and don't have admin access?
<BR><BR>Phil Brown<BR>Oxley College<BR>9727 9917<BR><BR>>>>
Meadows.Roslyn.M@edumail.vic.gov.au 22/6/2005 10:35:22 pm
all<BR><BR><BR>After reading about some of<BR>your forays into Kahootz I decided
to check it out tonight - there are tutorials<BR>and examples on the website www
kahootz.com.au.(teacher resources link)<BR> (Sorry Greg) I think I will
give it a go with my new year 8's next<BR>semester (only 2.5 weeks
away!)<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Meanwhile I have finally got Moodle to work<BR>- I
had to beg our intranet administrator (a library<BR>technician) to allow me to
create my own courses - before yesterday all I could<BR>do was edit my profile
and post to a forum!! I have created courses for<BR>each subject I teach,
also for each year level and the House system, and have<BR>uploaded lots of
resources etc. As Big Kev would say "I'm excited" ! I can't<BR>wait for a few
others to catch on.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>A BIG worry if Info Tech is
integrated and<BR>not a stand alone subject - we have to email our reports to
the edumail address<BR>of the person who prints them out and late last week
another staff member was<BR>telling me she was overjoyed that she had finished
her reports the night before,<BR>but still hadn't emailed them because she had
problems logging onto edumail when<BR>she got to school that morning. I asked
her why hadn't she emailed them from<BR>home using her private ISP and she said
"but they have to be sent to edumail so<BR>I can only do that from school can't
I?" And to think these people might be<BR>teaching IT as part of their SOSE or
English allotment in the near future!!!! To<BR>me this is totally scary. And I
believe that these non IT teachers would<BR>find it scary too - and
certainly not approach the teaching of ICT with anywhere<BR>near the enthusiasm
of the IT teachers who live, breath and eat their<BR>subject for
dinner!<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>I find it totally unbelievable,<BR>that
considering ICT is an area that is expanding exponentially, that<BR>VELS
does not make ICT at least as important as either English or Maths. Even
we<BR>as a group are constantly having to update our knowledge - how
many of<BR>us had even heard of blogs, wikis, moodle etc say two years
ago? Surely to be<BR>adequately prepared for the future our students need a more
extensive grounding<BR>in ICT. Australian companies are subcontracting
programming to Indian companies<BR>because of a shortage of skills and the rate
of pay here, and the Indian<BR>companies are subsubcontracting the same work out
to Chinese companies. And the<BR>reason these countries can do this programming?
- because they began massive ICT<BR>education campaigns when they realised
that it was the way of the future<BR>and one way to improve their
economies. So more Aussie dollars go offshore.<BR>We will be left in the
wilderness if our students are not given
griping!<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Have a wonderful wonderful holiday<BR>everyone,
thank you for all your emails - one of my favourite (relaxing) parts<BR>of the
day is getting home and reading through everything that comes to me via<BR>the
Meadows<BR><BR><BR>TONS<BR><BR><BR>Bentleigh SC<BR><BR><BR>9579
1044<BR><BR><BR>meadows.roslyn.m@edumail.vic.gov.au <<A
href="mailto:">mailto:</A> meadows.roslyn.m@edumail.vic.gov.au>
<<A href="mailto:">mailto:</A> ipm-bounces@edulists.com.au> <BR>on behalf
of Marshall, Graham F<BR>Wed 22/06/2005 7:23<BR>PM<BR>Year 12 Information
Technology Processing and Management<BR>Teachers'Mailing List<BR>RE: [Year 12
IPM] Re: OT Kahootz and<BR>7-10
IT<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Greg,<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Used your training
material before and it<BR>was fantastic. Any help with Kahootz will be
great.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>My year 8/9/10 are enjoying
Marshall -
<<A href="mailto:">mailto:</A> ipm-bounces@edulists.com.au> on
behalf of<BR>Greg Bowden<BR>Wed 6/22/2005 12:15 PM<BR>Year 12<BR>Information
Technology Processing and Management Teachers'Mailing<BR>List<BR>Year 7 - 10
Information Technology Teachers' Mailing<BR>List<BR>[Year 12 IPM] Re: OT Kahootz
and 7-10<BR>IT<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><< ?fontfamily>><<
?param Arial>> Hello everyoneFurther the discussion<BR>a couple of weeks
ago about the structure of IT in the 7-10 curriculum. I' m<BR>wondering what
schools are doing with Kahootz. It seems to me to be a program<BR>that lends
itself to being taught in a stand alone IT class then used by other<BR>KLAs once
students know how to use it properly. I can' t see KLAs at my
school<BR>providing much class time for the learning of Kahootz. I' ve just
started<BR>teaching Kahootz to a year 8 IT class and I am hoping at the end of
the unit one<BR>of the other teachers of the class will set a project using
Kahootz. <<A href="http://">http://</A> Kahootz.> I must<BR>confess
to also having a personal interest in Kahootz. I' ve developed a
teaching<BR>unit for it and I am trying to decide whether it is worth the time
and effort to<BR>send a flyer to schools (not much use if not many schools have
started to use<BR>it). So any feedback on your opinions of Kahootz and its use
would be helpful<BR>(e-mail me off the list if you prefer). If you would like to
have a look at some<BR>sample pages of the Kahootz unit they can be viewed
at<< ?color>><< ?param<BR>0000,0000,FFFD>> <A
href="http://www.gct.com.au<<">www.gct.com.au<<</A> ?/color>> - then
follow the Kahootz<BR>link.Greg BowdenICT ManagerNorth Geelong SC<<
?/fontfamily>> Important - This<BR>email and any attachments may be
confidential. If received in error, please<BR>contact us and delete all copies.
<<A href="http://">http://</A> copies.> Before opening or using
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<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________ <BR><A
href="http://www.edulists.com.au">http://www.edulists.com.au</A> - FAQ,
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Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and <BR><A
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