[Gifted and Talented] Certificate in Emerging Technologies - Register now!

Bridie Mackay bridie at vitta.org.au
Fri Apr 15 14:55:36 EST 2011

Excite your primary students by integrating today ’s technologies into their learning programs. Show them, before they show you, how to communicate in the virtual world with blogs, wikis and clouds , all part of Web 2.0. 

This VITTA-developed module is part of the Certificate in Emerging Technologies or can be taken as an individual stand-alone unit. At the completion of the four sessions, you will be accredited with a Certificate of Emerging Technologies . 

What is Web 2.0 and why does it matter for education? 

Major new research into the use of Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs and social networking, shows that young learners are prolific users of these technologies in their leisure time, but the use of Web 2.0 in the classroom is still limited. The research also found that over half of teachers surveyed believe that Web 2.0 resources should be used more often in the classroom. However, the majority of teachers questioned had never used Web 2.0 applications in lessons, despite being frequent users of technology in their personal and professional lives. In this session you will explore blogs, wikis and cloud computing as an example of Web 2.0 and begin to create a Professional Learning Network through blogging. 

The session will include a discussion of important questions that are raised on why primary students should blog and the use of blogs in education, as well as hands-on exploration of some of the tools introduced by the discussion. 


    • Part 1: Tuesday 3rd May Blogs, Wikis, Clouds: Web 2.0 and Education 
    • Part 2: Monday 16th May Podcasts and Digital Story Telling to Enhance Learning 
    • Part 3: Wednesday 1st June Cybersafety, Copyright and Digital Citizenship 
    • Part 4: Wednesday 15th June Mobile Technologies for Learning 

Venue: Xavier College, Studley Park Road Kew VIC 3101 - (03)9855 4100, Melway map ref: 44 J6 

Time: 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm 
Register: http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/blogs-podcasting-wikis-and-clouds-for-primary-teachers 

*To register for all four sessions at a discounted price (see website) email Jo McLeay: jo at vitta.org.au 


Bridie Mackay 
Senior Project Officer 
Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association 
T: +61 3 9495 6836 
F: +61 3 9495 6834 
E: bridie at vitta.org.au 
Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge Street 
PO Box 1099 
Collingwood, VIC, 3066 

Bookmark VITTA's Professional Learning Program 2010 

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