[Gifted and Talented] VITTA Conference - Call for Papers!

Bridie Mackay bridie at vitta.org.au
Tue Aug 24 10:07:48 EST 2010

Engaging Generation Now! Call for Papers closing end of August 

The annual VITTA conference is being held on Monday 29 Tuesday 30 November at Caulfield Racecourse. 

The VITTA conference is highly regarded as the leading ICT in education event in the school calendar. We strive to present a conference that inspires and challenges and that allows teachers to share classroom experiences and participate in 'grassroots' and 'blue sky' presentations. 

This year VITTA continues to embrace digital learning in education and for lifelong learning. The conference themes are expanded this year to include: ICT Leadership; Whole school change; One-to-one learning; Australian curriculum; Emerging Technologies; VCE IT New Study Design 2011-2014; eLearning; Mobile devices in the curriculum; Digital citizenship; Games for learning; Collaborative learning; ICT student and career pathways; Interdisciplinary learning; ICT Tools. 

VITTA encourages you to submit an abstract for presentation at Engaging Generation Now and be an active participant in this important educational event. 

To submit your paper online go to http://vitta.org.au/abstractsinfo . 

Call for Papers will close at the end of August so we encourage you to act promptly to ensure your paper is considered. 

For more information on the conference program contact VITTA office on 03 9495 6836 or email conference at vitta.org.au . 

With kind regards 

VITTA office 


Bridie Mackay 
Senior Project Officer 
Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association 
T: +61 3 9495 6836 
F: +61 3 9495 6834 
E: bridie at vitta.org.au 
Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge Street 
PO Box 1099 
Collingwood, VIC, 3066 

Bookmark VITTA's Professional Learning Program 2010 

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