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<title>[ESL] Timetableing ESL Classes</title>
<font face="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:11pt">Hi Patricia<br>
We have ESL classes on our timetable. We possibly have more ESL students than your school so may have more of a luxury with what we can do. We have 6 ESL teachers and 3 MEAs. <br>
We create a separate E class at each year level. This is made up of students with levels less that S2.3. When their language levels improve we put them into mainstream classes and, where possible, provide support with MEAs. Some schools just timetable all
English classes together so they can have a separate ESL class and this time and the rest of the time they are spread across other mainstream classes. Because we have a high refugee population of ESL students with severely disrupted schooling this doesn’t
work for us as they need support nearly all of the time.<br>
Hope that helps<br>
<font color="#0000FF">Glenda McGrath<br>
ESL Teaching and Learning Leader<br>
North Geelong Secondary College<br>
Ph: 03 52405800<br>
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