<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>"The Conference dinner on the Tuesday evening was fabulous." Feedback from the 2009 VITTA Conference<br><br>The VITTA Conference dinner has grown from strength to strength. The dinner provides an opportunity for exhibitors, presenters and educators to network in an informal setting. The night is also significant as the VITTA community have the chance to recognise outstanding achievements and contributions by our teachers to student learning. Held in the spectacular the Grandstand level, overlooking the Racecourse this is the perfect location to enjoy canapes, a three-course meal and entertainment with colleagues and friends.<br><br>Book your ticket to the Conference Dinner when you register for the conference at www.vitta.org.au/conferenceinfo, or if you would like to book a table of 8, contact the VITTA office on 03 9495 6836. Tickets are only $99 per person including GST.<br><br>http://www.vitta.org.au/conferenceinfo/conference-dinner-2/conference-dinner/<br><br></div></body></html>