[edugames] workshop - e-books publishing for mobile devices - please forgive the cross-postings

Paul Wright paulw at vitta.org.au
Mon Apr 16 16:45:30 EST 2012


e-books Publishing for Mobile Devices

Over the two day contemporary teaching and learning workshop you will
develop your take home toolkit. Learn how to use InDesign to layout your
e-book or other e-format and examine interactive features including
animation, video and audio; Create cover art and formatting of text; test on
a mobile device; Publish and upload to the Kindle store; Create a
professional resource

Essentials for participants:
1. An educational resource you want to use with learners
2. Laptops loaded with:
• Kindle plugin for Adobe Indesign to view all ebook formats
• Kindle Previewer 2 installed (Free plugins http://tinyurl.com/ya2jxj6)
• Adobe digital editions (Free digital editions

Susan Bell is a senior educator of VET IDM and IT and multimedia and IT and
currently teaching at Marist Regional College, Tasmania. Susan has been
involved in research projects with the University of Melbourne and Swinburne
University and is a current author of e-books. Her latest publication is
Backpacked: A mostly true story.

Chemère Birkensleigh is a local Melbourne Digital Artist/Developer. She
works in the Multimedia industry and understands how Adobe products are used
in industry. Chemère has worked in high end 3d and visual effects studios
and has worked on Megamind Game Cinematics, Kahootz 3.0 Animations, Clare
Bowditch Film Clip, to name a few.

Download the  <http://www.vitta.org.au/documents/item/467> flier

WHEN: Friday 20 April and Saturday 21 April from 10am to 3pm

VENUE: Melbourne Marriott Hotel, Cnr Londsdale & Exhibition Street,
Close to public transport – Parliament Station
Accommodation: For interstate and regional members – ask us about the VITTA
special rate ( <mailto:office at vitta.org.au> office at vitta.org.au)





Paul Wright
VITTA - Project Office
T: +61 3 9495 6836
F: +61 3 9495 6834
E: paulw at vitta.org.au
W: www.vitta.org.au <http://www.vitta.org.au/> 
Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge St,
Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia


VITTA ~ supporting all educators with ICTs anywhere, any time


VITTA Annual Conference : The Reign of the Cloud

Conference & Expo - August 6 and 7, 2012

Call for Papers <http://www.vitta.org.au/callforpapers2012> 


Professional Learning

Tomorrow Sport <http://www.tomorrowsport.com.au/> 


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